Lead Paint

Prior to 1978, lead paint and other products containing lead were widely used in homes and offices. Chipping and peeling lead paint can expose occupants to this hazardous material. In addition, many older plumbing systems utilized lead based solder to join pipes. Often the main water supply line is a lead pipe. This lead can leach into the water, especially when running hot water. In certain areas, high concentrations of lead can even be found in the ground soil.

Danger of Lead Exposure

Unknown in years past, it is now clear that lead exposure causes a number of related health problems. In children lead exposure can cause growth and learning disabilities, headaches and even brain damage. In adults, lead exposure has been tied to problem pregnancies, high blood pressure and digestive problems.

Request our lead paint inspection service before you buy or sell an older home.

If selling, federal law stipulates that you must produce a lead paint disclosure form. If you're buying, you want to know what lead hazards may be lurking in the walls, as well as in the pipes, before you put up your earnest money. During our inspection service we will observe all conditions that can produce a lead paint hazard, including peeling paint, water damaged ceilings, and older window and door casings.  The assumption is that lead paint is always present and lead exposure risk depends on building condition.  In addition to this we offer onsite lead testing. Swab testing of building materials costs $25 per test and onsite water testing for dissolved lead in tap water costs $95.

The act of stripping lead paint from the walls will create dust and debris that could be easily ingested. Short of removing the paint, you may be able to get by with covering the old, lead based paint with a coat of sealant specifically designed for this purpose. Either way, you should consult a certified contractor to recommend an appropriate solution.

Home Inspection